showing 2 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
K.C. Munchkin! (Videopac 38;Glouton et Voraces;Super-Mampler;Happelaar;Gufferen;38 - K.C. Munchkin) Philips;Magnavox (NAP)1981 claiming gameplayinn kcmunchkin langinsignificant leveleditor lives mapgenerator pacmanlike score labelimagesubject
The Quest for the Rings (Videopac 42: The Quest for the Rings!;42 Speurtocht naar de Ringen;Em Busca dos Aneis Perdidos;La Quête des Anneaux;Die Suche nach den Ringen) Philips;Magnavox;NAP (Philips)1981 alternatesolutions archaicearth arg bossbattles cave chiroptera cooperation directionalforce dragons dragons-western fantasticearth friendlyfire gameplayinn giantspiders group harmfultouch highfantasy instantdeath itempickup-auto jewelry liveeditor livingfire magic mapgenerator masterstrategy meleeweapons monsters multiprotagonists nplayers orcs overlay-controller past serious shiftinglocale stunning subterranean swords traditional undead undeadprotagonist volcano walking labelimagesubject